This week year 6 have enjoyed carrying out investigations into prime numbers, squared numbers and cubed numbers. We can represent numbers in different ways using digits, symbols, words and diagrams. We used counters and cubes in our investigations.
This week we have begun reading our new class novel ‘Skellig’. We will be using this text for guided reading and it will also be the focus of our speaking and listening and writing work for the next few weeks. This week we have been writing and performing monologues as one of the characters from the book.
Books we love reading
Here are a few of the books year 6 are reading at the moment.
Ella ‘ I’m reading Hitler’s Canary by Sandi Toksvig. I love this book because it talks about theatre and I like the suspense’
Julia ‘I’m reading ‘The Mystery of the Midnight Ghost’ by Helen Moss. I like this book because it’s very captivating. It makes me want to read more.’
Maisie ‘I’m reading ‘Gangsta Granny’ by David Walliams. When you read it takes you into the story and I like reading about the different adventures of how the Granny stole all the jewels. This is a very funny book.’
Lola – ‘I’m reading ‘I don’t believe it, Archie’ by Andrew Norris. I like this because it’s a mystery and every day something weird happens.’
Design Technology
Year 6 are proud to display some of the bridges they made for their DT project. These children are happy to talk about their unique bridge designs and how they carefully selected the materials and joined the components to produce a quality structure which met their design brief. Look out for these engineers of the future.
‘I enjoyed making this bridge. To make it, I used wooden lollysticks. I wanted my bridge to have a drawbridge that would lift up so that cars could cross.’
Healthy Eating Ambassadors
We are very impressed with some of our year 6 children who are making excellent choices for their break time snack. Holy Family is a healthy school and we encourage our families to choose healthy snacks as part of a healthy and balanced diet.