Welcome to Year 2!



Our Year 2 team is:


Class Teacher: Mrs Callagher: Teaching Assistant: Mrs Pointer.

Miss Juntunen will be teaching on Friday afternoons.


Welcome back and I hope you have had a Happy Easter a restful break over the holidays . 


Please see the curriculum map below for more details.


If you would like to talk to us about any aspect of school life please do email me on r.callagher@holy-family.lancs.sch.uk. I will aim to respond as soon as possible.

If it is urgent please contact the school office or catch me at the classroom door before or after school.


Best wishes, 


Mrs Callagher 


Key Information:

Reading books will be changed once a week on a Wednesday - you child will receive 2/3 books to read as many times as possible in the week.

PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. We will be outside for PE some days so children can bring jumpers and appropriate footwear (either pumps/trainers) to wear outside. 

Fruit snacks can be brought in and please bring in water bottles - only water please.

Homework is given on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday.

To read our Summer Curriculum map, please click here.

To read our Summer Newsletter, please click here.

To read our RE curriculum overview please click RE Overview

To see the current Year 2 timetable, please click here.

To see our Year 2 curriculum map, please click here. 

At Home

You could help your children by:

•    Reading and discussing their home reading books. Please do write in the reading record to let us know how they are doing at home.

•    Practising reading and writing high frequency and common exception words. please click here

•    Practising Year 2 Key Instant Recall Facts for Maths. By the end of Year 2, children are expected to know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Daily practise of this will help your children greatly.

•    Using Sound Mats to help with Spelling Sound Mats


Also aim to practice regularly on the Numbots/TTRS applications for Maths - I will be giving logins and passwords out within the first week. 

If you have lost login details or passwords please contact Mrs Callagher.
