Welcome to the Reception!


The Reception Class Team are Mrs Morrison, Mrs Dyas, Miss Foltanova and Miss Mitchell.


The Early Years Foundation Stage 2021 sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five.

Teaching within Reception Class at Holy Family is based on children's interests and is carefully planned to ensure children are making progress towards Early Learning Goals, which indicate what is expected of most children by the end of the foundation stage. These goals are broken down into the following areas of learning and development:-

Three Prime Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language

Four Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

In addition there is a focus on the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning which are:

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creating and Thinking Critically

The foundation stage is important in its own right and also in providing firm foundations in learning for children later on in their schooling. At Holy Family we spend time getting to know the children, finding about how they learn and what they are interested in. These relationships enable us to build on what our children already know and can do. We offer a structure for learning that has a range of starting points and a content that matches the needs of individual children. 

You can find out more about the EYFS by reading "What to Expect when" which can be found here.


Throughout the year, we will learn through a range of topics prompted by children's interests. We will teach the children the skills they need and then the children will transfer these skills to their chosen activity during their child-initiated play. The children will take their learning both indoors and outdoors, whatever the weather! Through observations of the children, we can extend the activities to suit your child's ability. 


Religious Education Overview


Snack Time and Water

 As we are a healthy school, we encourage the children to drink water and milk. Please provide the children with a water bottle which can be refilled throughout the day.

The children will be provided with a carton of milk and a piece of fruit each day.




We ask you to read with your child as much as possible. Once you have read with your child, please fill in their reading record to let us know. We will change reading books every Tuesday so please ensure your child’s reading record and books are in their school bag. We will send home two reading books per week; We ask you to please read these books more than once, the first time focusing on tricky words, blending and segmenting, and the second time, questioning your child’s understanding of the story.  

Click on the link below for some ideas to help you, help your child, to achieve their Early Learning Goal in Reading. 



In Reception, your child will be given around 45 high frequency words to learn over the year – the aim is for them to be able to recognise these words and to be able to read them. Children learn these words as part of their phonics lessons and will also have these words on the first page of their reading records. Click on the. 




At Holy Family we follow Supersonic Phonic Friends which is a systematic, synthetic Phonics Scheme which is fun, active and engaging. The children get to know the many characters which represent and remind us of the different skills we use when we read and write. We will let you know what your child has been learning through regular Supersonic Newsletters.



We use a secure online learning journey called Tapestry to record every child’s experiences and achievements which we actively encourage parents as children’s primary educator to contribute to. You can find out more about Tapestry here.


Our Summer Term information can be viewed here


Information about the Reception Baseline Assessment can be found here.